Trajectories of Social-Ecological Systems in Latin American Watersheds: Facing Complexity and Vulnerability in the context of Climate Change (TRASSE)
TRASSE is a multinational effort funded by the Mexican National Council for Science and Technology (CONACyT-Mexico) and the French National Agency for Research (ANR-France). Its objective is to operationalize a theory of change for the sustainability of Social-Ecological Systems in rural-urban tropical  watersheds and their vulnerability in the context of Climate Change.


TRASSE (Trajectories of Social-Ecological Systems in Latin American Watersheds: Facing Complexity and Vulnerability in the context of Climate Change) is a multinational effort funded by the Mexican National Council for Science and Technology (CONACyT-Mexico) and the French National Agency for Research (ANR-France). Its objective is to operationalize a theory of change for the sustainability of Social-Ecological Systems in rural-urban tropical  watersheds and their vulnerability in the context of Climate Change.


Plus d'informations sur le site dédié et sur le site du projet TRASSE


CIRAD (ART-Dev), Univ. Rennes, Colmex, Unam –Iiec, Ipn Oaxaca, Unam–Fac. de ciencia, Inst. Nac. de Geografia de Mexico, Univ Nac. de Medellin, Ciat, SEI

CONACyT-Mexico, ANR-France

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