2005 - 2010

Programme UE-FP7 / ENV

DIALOGOS - Action publique et collective de gestion des territoires et ressources naturelles en Amazonie


The action aims at the conservation of forest resources, by tapping the potential of the limited and under-explored spaces for dialogue, negotiation, coordination and innovation.
The action is rooted in three micro-regions in the East and South Brazilian Amazon (280,000 Km2 and a rural population of approximately 300,000 inhabitants), and it will also intervene at other levels (local, state and federal).
The target groups include private sector organizations (small and/or medium and larger operators), public sector organizations (at several levels) and organizations within the civil society.
Main project activities include :
capacity building (by facilitating the sharing of information and knowledge, and through training), to consolidate dialogue and negotiation spaces and processes (by addressing and supporting multistakeholder ongoing processes at local, state and federal levels) ;
to foster a joint understanding of the idea of common goods and to facilitate changes in the policies and instruments on land and resource use within both private and public sectors (by coordinating actions among local, state and federal actors).
Contribute to the preservation and sustainable management of forest resources and territorial development in the Brazilian Amazon, by tapping in the potential of the limited but under-explored spaces for dialogue, negotiation, coordination and innovation. Jointly conceived public and private strategies, policies and instruments are implemented based on dialogue, at multi-levels, mobilizing already existing financial flows, and incorporating environmental and social dimensions..
Knowledge production and sharing about Amazonian territorial development among project partners and allies Shared understanding of local and regional survey on natural resources management the intervention in each project site among project partners, local universities and civil society organizations Experimentation, development and divulgation of tools for monitoring and stakeholders dialog on natural resource management in conflict and low governance context Local partners improve their capacity to use different methods and tools for natural resource management planning involving actors of different governance levels working at different geographical scales.
Coordinateurs du projet Claudio Maretti, WWF Brazil Financement du projet Commission Européenne FP7 Env. Membres ART-Dev impliqués> Eric Sabourin, sociologue, Geert van Vliet, économiste Membres d’autres laboratoires - CIRAD members : UMR TETIS (R. Pasquis, J P Tonneau, J. Imbernon, M. Piraux, P Caron, E Coudel) - UR NOMADE/UMR MOISA (E Cheyns) and IDDRI members (S. Louafi, S. Gueneau) - Center for Sustainable Development, University of Brasilia - IPAM, Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais Amazônicas (Brasil, Para) - ICV Instituto Centro Vida (Brasil, Mato Grosso) - WWF Brazil
Dialogos kick off meeting – June 2005, Brasilia Dialogos Symposium in Americanist Congress, Sevilla, July 2006 Para Regional Final Seminary – Santarem, July 2009 Mato Grosso Regional final Seminary, Alta Floresta, September 2009 Dialogos final Seminary – 14-15 October 2009, Brasilia


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