Le dernier numéro du Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding (vol. 13, n°3) intitulé « Political Sociology of International Interventions: Peacebuilders and the Ground », coordonné par Grégory Daho, Nathalie Duclos et Cécile Jouhanneau, vient de paraître.

La contribution de ce numéro à une sociologie politique des interventions internationales repose sur un renversement de perspective. Plutôt que d’analyser ce que les interventions de paix font aux sociétés récipiendaires, nous nous demandons ce que les terrains d’intervention font aux acteurs de la paix, à leurs pratiques, leurs représentations, leurs doctrines et leurs carrières.

Le numéro est accessible ici :https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/risb20/13/3?nav=tocList

Présentation :

This special issue, instead of questioning what effect peacebuilding interventions have on post-conflict societies, analyses what the ground of intervention does to peacebuilders. It demonstrates that everyday interactions on the ground shape the interveners and even the scope of their missions. We delineate how a political sociology approach might break away from binaries (‘internationals/locals’) and, instead, illuminate processes (of internationalization and localization). We intend to offer a political sociology of the ‘intervention encounter’, that is, to scrutinize the everyday interactions among peacebuilders and between peacebuilders and domestic actors, and to investigate effects of the ground on peacebuilding organizations, doctrines and decision-making processes, as well as on peacebuilders’ trajectories, positions, professional practices and representations. In fine, we explore how peacebuilders’ relations to the ground structure the socio-professional field of peacebuilding.



  • « Political Sociology of International Interventions: Peacebuilders and the Ground »
  • Grégory Daho, Nathalie Duclos & Cécile Jouhanneau
  • « Localizing Peacebuilding: The Arizona Market and the Evolution of U.S. Military Peacebuilding Priorities in Bosnia »
    Adam Moore
  • « To Serve and Survey: French Gendarmes as International Police in Peacebuilding Missions in Bosnia and Kosovo »
    Nathalie Duclos & Cécile Jouhanneau
  • « A Revenge of the Generals. The Rebalancing of Civil-Military Relationships in France » 
    Grégory Daho
  • « Presence on the Ground: Expectations, Resources and Tactical Moves in the Negotiation of a UN Peacekeeping Operation in the Central African Republic » 
    Yves Buchet de Neuilly
  • « Learning in Peacebuilding - Mission Impossible? » 
    Catherine Goetze


Hors dossier

  • « How to Translate ‘Good Governance’ into Tajik? An American Good Governance Fund and Norm Localisation in Tajikistan »
    Karolina Kluczewska
  • « ’A Nation Reborn’: Right to Law and Right to Life in The Purge Franchise »
    Megan A. Armstrong


Lectures critiques« Perspectives on the Critique of Liberal Peace, Hybridity and Peace Formation »

  • Itziar Mujika Chao

Les derniers dépôts dans HAL-SHS

17 juin 2024