Ludivine Eloy (CNRS), Isabel Belloni Schmidt, Silvia Laine Borges, Maxmiller Cardoso Ferreira & Teomenilton A. dos Santos, publient un article intitulé Seasonal fire management by traditional cattle ranchers prevents the spread of wildfire in the Brazilian Cerrado dans le volume 47, décembre 2018 de la revue Ambio, A Journal of the Human Environment. (Eloy, L., Schmidt, I.B., Borges, S.L. et al. Ambio (2018))



The use of fire by cattle ranchers is a major source of conflict between conservationists and local communities in tropical savannas. We evaluate the role of traditional pastoral management in wildfire prevention in two protected areas within the Brazilian savanna.

Fine- grain field data from transect walks and interviews were combined with geospatial data at landscape scale to compare fire regimes in community-managed areas with those in government-managed areas. Local pastoral management creates seasonal mosaic patterns of burnings performed for productive activities and for deliberate landscape management, i.e. to protect fire-sensitive vegetation and avoid wildfires. Whereas government- managed areas were affected by large biennial late dry season wildfires, community-managed areas with a regular fire regime suffered less damage. These systems are under threat and poorly understood by researchers and environmental managers. In order to improve fire management in tropical savannas, greater understanding of pastoral management practices and their spatiotemporal dimensions is required.


Ambio, A Journal of the Human Environment

ISSN 0044-7447

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